Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wandering Around...

I have been wandering around the blogosphere a bit, in that aimless kind of a way that always seems to produce some interesting results. A while ago, I joined the Gaia community of conscious fellow travelers in this planet that we share, but never really took the time to get to know anyone at the site. I guess I was a bit bewildered by the notion of making virtual friends, as well as by the the diversity of opportunities at the site. With a little guidance from my able assistant, Cardozo, I ventured back into this territory yesterday and found some interesting threads to follow and some interesting folks to know. I found, for example, a link to an impressive list of spiritual teachers who support Barack Obama! Worth noting. And I stumbled on a hilarious Joe Six-Pack satire posted by Mimi; and another Palin piece posted by Ron, whose blog contains some other interesting prose pieces and poems. I have included both these bloggers on my blogroll, and look forward to further adventures in Gaialand. Have a great Thursday, everyone!


Anonymous said...

I think the gaia principle is the ancient Greek equivalent of the ancient Chinese idea in the Book of Changes. The idea was floating in the ethers at the time and two seperate groups of thinkers based knowledge on it. My notes to you on the river are gaia based.

re: Maher's film. Religulous was a lot of fun and informative too. I especially liked the clip of 'Winky" Palin being exorcised by a witch doctor.

re: latest B.Maher show -I couldn't believe ChristianAnamanaPoor's (sp?!) assessment of the debate with Biden, that Winky won most of it. Women have stooped so low, that they think Winky is worthy of good mention, "flirting her way through politics". Read a piece from London recently that expressed shock that Winky is getting any attention at all from Americans. and that if a man acted cute like that in politics, he'd be drummed out of society. Most Americans have lost all sense of value. Hmmm. wonder why?

Anonymous said...

I take that back, on second thought. Palin's ratings are way down in latest polls. Seen as incompetent for the job and as a liability for McCain.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for poiting me toward the Gaia community - looks very interesting and I signed up.