I'm pleased to be able to report, this Christmas Eve, that our George is back in the fold, minus three teeth but otherwise none the worse for wear. Well, he was not quite himself last night, a little slow on the uptake. But then who wouldn't be, after a day of anesthesia and surgery? He slept well, on our bed as usual. And we slept a lot better for knowing that he had survived his ordeal and was back home.
The prospect is for a busy day today, getting ready for the celebration. And for rain. We're caught between wishing for a good one, to test out the work that has been done in the past few days to prevent the flooding in our basement/studio; and wishing for a fine Christmas Day. Here at the beach in Southern California we don't expect it to be white and cold, but it's great to have a cool, crisp for a long walk along the shoreline.
It may well be that I miss my entry on The Buddha Diaries tomorrow, so here's my opportunity to wish everyone the best of all Christmases. May your days be merry, as the song says. And bright. Love and blessings...
happy holidays george. and your people too.
Get well George! Your Vermont buddy, Bodhi, feels for you and would tell you in person, but his paws are to big for the key pad. Anyway, he's asleep near the Christmas tree, where he sniffed our a gift wedge of good old English Stilton and thinks that's where the action is going to be. lol Peace to you three! Namaste....
Glad he made it through okay. My mother emailed a couple of days ago to say one her dogs had gone missing on a cold night. Two days later they found him in the shed, where he'd trapped himself. Hungry, but fine. Funny how much worry pets can arouse in us.
Yay for George! I was thinking about him, thank you for letting everyone know. Doggie dental care improves health and prolongs their lives.
Merry Xmas!
Aw, Georgie Porgie. Stick in that paw and pull out that gnaw when you're feeling better. I wish I were there to throw your ball, and hug your mom and dad. Get well, sweet Georgie. We love you.
That's good news on Christmas morning. Yay George. Hope your day is merry and bright, and all goes well in the coming storms.
George says Thanks to all you kind people for the good wishes. He says he's recovering nicely... Arf.
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