Thursday, February 26, 2009

Leaving Town...

I leave this morning for the men's training weekend I have mentioned on several occasions in the past. It was a life-saver for me, back in the early 1990s, and I have served on staff many times since that first weekend. Some may recall that I was bellyaching, a while back, about not finding ways to be of service in my life; and that I received, in short order, precisely what I'd wished for: the invitation to staff this weekend. A mixed blessing, since it has already required a great deal of time and effort in preparation, and I harbor deep-seated (irrational, what else?) fears about being in a strange place with people I mostly don't know... Which may have something to do with recent posts about bad sits and sleep loss! Anyway, I look forward to it with a mixture of dread and excitement--and I can live with that paradox! Cardozo, I hope, will be posting one of my film reviews in my absence, and I'll likely be checking back in on Monday. Wish me luck, and have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful opportunity to serve and challenging. You are gifted and in sattva will have much to facilitate. OMG...that sounded like a fortune cookie didn't it? Good luck Peter. I, for one would consider in an honor to be part of that group and they will feel the same. namaste.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Have a wonderful time.

You'll still be a man when you return, won't you? We really wouldn't have you any other way.

Peter Clothier said...

Thanks, both. Well, actually all three. Read more on Tuesday. MandT, you really have that opportunity.