Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tarring & Feathering

A comment, yesterday, from my friend at Chi Sphere brought to mind an image I have myself been playing with. It used to be--in the bad old days, of course: in medieval times (we're so much more enlightened now!)--that human miscreants were tarred and feathered to humiliate or punish them for their misdeeds. Now, our species is caught in the act of tarring our feathered ones...

... our fellow travelers on life's journey whose worst crime is to able to do naturally what we can do only with the aid of noise-some and polluting mechanical devices: they fly. We're also, if "unintentionally," bringing death to those who live in another alternate element, the water: the fish...

... crustaceans, shellfish, turtles...

In our insatiable need to exploit the Earth's resources, we humans arrogantly assert our primacy over all other species. It is not unreasonable to believe that in the not-too-distant future they will have their revenge--as this brilliant talk by the British cosmologist Sir Martin Rees suggests.

(With apologies to The Getty and the Huffington Post, where I purloined these images.)


Lazarus said...

Well said, a beautiful (and sad) post. We need to wake up. For their sake, and for ours.

mandt said...

There are times when the depravity of it all makes one so sick at heart that even tears cannot reach it.

Taradharma said...

I can't add much to what Andre and MandT say, but I thank you for the post. So overwhelming and sad.

CHI SPHERE said...

Thank you Peter for your direct and sadly correct view and for words of compassion from our brothers and sisters here who do make a difference by writing and I'm certain by living in peace with all life forms.

Peace and blessing to all humankind, even towards those who "know not what they do" and therefore keep doing it!