Once in a while I take note of a speech or writing habit that my pedantic self finds particularly annoying. This morning, it's "is, is." I regret to say that our President is Offender-in-Chief in this particular regard. Have you noticed? He's by no means the only one, but he should be setting a good example, shouldn't he?
It goes like this: "The problem is, is that..." Or "What I know about this is, is [my friends on the Republican side of the aisle should...]" And so on. You'll know it when you hear it. And what I have to say about this is, is that it's bad grammar, the second "is" is entirely superfluous, and it sounds faintly ridiculous.
Reminds me a bit of the old grammatical teaser: "John, where Jim had had "had", had had "had had." "Had had" had had the teacher's approval."
Have a great day!
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