Wednesday, August 12, 2020


 One of the results of my neglect of The Buddha Diaries has been that comments have been difficult, if not impossible to post. If my fumbling efforts to familiarize myself with all the recent (and some not so recent) changes on Blogger are successful, then it should be possible to post a comment now. And I would certainly welcome any and all response to my posts. Please let me know if you have problems, and I'll try to get back to the arcane inner workings of this system and find a fix. Best to all!


Marie Smith said...

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Prince Edward Island and indeed all of Atlantic Canada is a quiet part of the world. The four provinces now have an Atlantic bubble which allows people to move between them without self isolation. This started in July. Our province had 5 new cases of Covid today, all foreign workers who self isolated when they came here last week. We have had no hospitalizations, deaths or community transmission. We have had 41 cases, all recovered except this newest five. There are some advantages to living on a small island.

I would like to follow your blog. There are interesting times ahead in the U.S. I will be interested in your observations.

Peter Clothier said...

Thanks, Marie. I have added you to my blogroll and will be visiting PEI again. Well, virtually...

Linda said...

Thank you for stopping by and commenting on An Invincible Summer.

I’m intrigued by the name of your blog. My spiritual quest is rather new (I’m a late bloomer) and I’m looking in many directions for enlightenment.

Peter Clothier said...

Good to hear from you, Linda. I'll plan on stopping by again. The Buddha Diaries morphed out of my first blog, The Bush Diaries, back in 2009 when I realized I was waking up with Bush (George W., to whom the blog was addressed) in bed with me every day. I had been a meditation practitioner and a student of the Buddhist dharma for several years, and it seemed like a natural move. I do worry sometimes, knowing there are many far more qualified "Buddhists" than myself; but then I think, oh, what the heck... and stick with the original title. Best to you!