Friday, May 1, 2015


We're off to the airport in a couple of hours, boarding our favorite transatlantic airline, Air New Zealand, for the flight to Heathrow.

It's an odd journey to my old homeland this time, with all our plans suspended in uncertainty for a variety of non-related reasons.  Each of our four destinations has a question mark hovering somewhere about it: our son and his family in Harpenden, just north of London; the city itself (where we plan to visit a small picture we have loaned to the Royal Academy); a country inn in the New Forest for a weekend getaway, sought out on the Internet; and finally my sister's home in Cirencester, in the Cotswolds.

Curious, how things have fallen out.  It leaves me more than usually anxious about leaving the comfort of our own home, here in Los Angeles, and venturing out into the world.  Still, it's all a good lesson in learning to live with uncertainty--which is, after all, the true condition of our lives.

I'm unsure what will happen to The Buddha Diaries while we're traveling.  I'll have my little laptop with me, so I may write notes along the way.  Alternatively, I may get lazy...  Who knows?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wishing you safe travels and a fine time...