Friday, December 11, 2009

TV Star!

So here I am...

... sitting in the make-up room at Charter Communications in Irwindale, getting ready for an interview to be broadcast in January at frequent intervals on Southern California Charter Local Editions of CNN Headline News. My friendly make-up artist took the picture--you see her reflected in the mirror, armed with my I-Phone.

What a surprise! Two days ago, when I wrote my appeal for my new book (please order your copy today!) I had no idea that I'd be doing a television interview so soon. It came as a gift from above. I had signed up for a speaking engagement with The Inside Edge, a prestigious Orange County organization that sponsors breakfast events for the local community to hear current authors speak about their work, and just lucked into the month during which the CNN interviews will be promoting them. The broadcasts, as I understand it, reach some 500,000 homes and 1.2 million viewers. What a great opportunity! I'll plan to post a link to the 4-minute interview when I get a clean copy from the producers, and will also post whatever I know about air times.

As you can tell, I'm plunging into the art of self-promotion with considerable gusto! I tell myself it's all in the interest of reaching out to people with my ideas, but you can bet there's a big chunk of vanity involved. I'm really hoping to get a groundswell going around "Persist," and will be grateful for any help you can give me along this interesting new path. Let me know if you have any suggestions...


Doctor Noe said...

Bring it on to the Talking Stick Peter.

CHI SPHERE said...

Looks like the barber shop Peter. I hope your venue
brings sales and insight for those who read it. I'm ordering mine today!

Peter Clothier said...

Thanks, Noe! Thanks, Gary! Please pass the word.